Lead Front-end UI Hybris Developer
Re-platforming Hybris version 5.1 to make it fully responsive (implementing the Foundation framework).

Re-platforming Hybris version 5.1 to make it fully responsive (implementing the Foundation framework).
Covering the entire lifecycle of the website design and build, creating the initial working online prototype theme through to production and final handover.
From wireframes, HTML prototypes, Re-templating Hybris to handover. Working ‘shoulder-to-shoulder’ alongside a talented team of backend Java developers. I integrated with + supported the team as a key player working to strict deadlines, prioritising workflow, adhering to the project milestones.
HYBRIS 5.1, responsive development with Video, Touch enabled Sliders, jQuery Mobile Menu, Custom Web fonts, Sticky header and Google Maps.
Compatible for: IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Chrome. Project for Berry Bros. & Rudd Ltd, the multi-award winning Wine Merchant to H.M.The Queen.
I’m a multidisciplinary WordPress developer working with Startups and Agencies within the UK and EU.
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